This is a very short course, with the duration of 2.5 hours in total. This has been designed for beginners. The course teaches about the concept of the Git and GitHub and its functioning.
Certificate after high school
This is a very short course, with the duration of 2.5 hours in total. This has been designed for beginners. The course teaches about the concept of the Git and GitHub and its functioning. If an IT professional or casual developer want to increase their scope and gain understanding of the working of Git and GitHub in open-sourced and private development projects, it is important that they take this course. This course will give them the required expertise needed to operate the Git and GitHub. In this course, the learned will learn about how Git and GitHub are designed, administered and operated. This course is not just for IT professionals or developers. Other professionals like architects, UI designers, testers, and administrators can also reap the benefits of this course. The course gives the right techniques on how to efficiently regulate projects using Git and GitHub.
The course has been designed for DevOps engineers, app developers and IT professionals.
No prior requirements.