This course shows a student to basic points of Ansible with easy to do practices of hands-on that a learner can perform easily in the project.
Certificate after high school
Ansible is a profoundly simple automation platform IT that makes your frameworks and applications simpler to deploy. Abstain from writing contents or custom code to update and deploy your applications—computerize in a language that approaches using SSH, plain English without any operators to install on remote frameworks.
This course shows a student to basic points of Ansible with easy to do practices of hands-on that a learner can perform easily in the project. The course presents essential utilization instances of Ansible followed by Ansible’s introduction Playbooks, Inventory, Variables, Modules, Loops, Conditionals, and Roles. Each lesson contains a lot of coding practices giving the user a hands-on involvement with developing Ansible Playbooks.
Introduction to YAML
Ansible Inventory
Ansible Playbooks
Ansible Modules
Ansible Variables
Ansible Roles
Advanced Topics