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Display Your Cloud Institute Badge Today.

Get the recognition you deserve. Display your Cloud Institute badge, verified and distributed from the world's most trusted digital credential network for learning and development: Acclaim by Credly.


What Are Cloud Institute Badges?

When you complete courses, participate in activities, and further your learning goals, you have the chance to earn a badge. The badge validates your professional and technical expertise, and you can add the badge directly to social platforms. The benefits also include:

  • Share directly on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter
  • Verify and validate you just by clicking the badge
  • Badges include details about specific skills you developed
  • Collect over 1500 badges, growing daily

See All The Badges


How Cloud Institute Badges Work.

Cloud Institute badges are secure, web-enabled credentials that contain specific, verified information that employers can use to evaluate your potential. These badges are meant to be shared socially to recognize and validate what you learned. Here's how it works:


Upon completion of a course, you will receive an email (from Acclaim by Credly) telling you the next steps to claim your badge.


Click the link in the email and create your Acclaim account. From here you will then claim your badge and create your Acclaim badge dashboard.


Start sharing your badge with hundreds of social networks, embed on your resume, and include it on your website. The possibilities are endless!

See All The Badges


Explore Cloud Institute's Types Of Badges:

QuickStart Training

Cloud Institute

Awarded for completion and achievements of various learning activities with Cloud Institute.
Business Productivity

Business Productivity

Awarded for completion and achievements of various learning activities associated in Business Productivity.
Course Catalog

Big Data / Data Science

Awarded for completion and achievements of various learning activities associated in Big Data.


Awarded for completion and achievements of various learning activities associated in DevOps.
Information Security

Information Security

Awarded for completion and achievements of various learning activities associated in Information Security.
IT Ops And Management

IT Ops & Management

Awarded for completion of various learning activities associated in IT Ops & Management.
IT Ops And Management


Awarded for completion and achievements of various learning activities associated in Cloud.
IT Ops And Management

User Experience

Awarded for completion and achievements of various learning activities associated in UX/UI.
Special Events

Special Events

Mystery and special badges awarded for attending events, webinars, and special Cloud Institute events.

Special Badges For Certifications,
Learning Paths, & BootCamps.

Cloud Institute has specially designed badges for our various structured learning paths. These beautiful badges are designed with a trim of silver, gold, and platinum, and is awarded to individuals that pass certification programs, immersive bootcamp experiences, and dynamic learning paths. You can find these programs through several universities and learning institutions we partner with, or click here to learn more.

Certification Bundle

See All The Badges
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